15 Cornwall Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1RU (view larger map »)               Tel: 01305 259417              dorchesterorthoclinic@dorchesterortho.co.uk
Dorchester Orthodontic Clinic

Quality specialist orthodontic care

Complaints Procedure

Patient Complaints Policy

In this practice, we take complaints very seriously indeed and try to ensure that all patients are contented with their experience of our service. When a patient makes a complaint, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to respond to a complaint in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we answer all patients’ concerns in a considerate and sensitive manner.

Dr Katherine Rowland is the nominated person for dealing with any complaint regarding the service in which we provide.

If a patient makes a complaint by either telephone or on reception a member of staff will listen to the complaint and try to resolve the issue to the best of their ability. If a patient feels the issue has not been resolved satisfactorily they may ask to be referred to Dr Katherine Rowland. If we are unable to arrange this within a reasonable period of time arrangements will be made for the patient to discuss the matter with our practice principle, Dr Katherine Rowland.

Once the complaint has been made, Dr Katherine Rowland will contact the patient as soon as she is able to. She will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, normally within two working days and will seek to investigate the complaint within ten working days. If the patient does not wish to meet us, then we will attempt to talk to him or her on the telephone. If we are unable to investigate the complaint within ten working days we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.

If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist, unless the patient does not want this to happen.

We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing to the patient immediately after completing our investigation.

Proper and comprehensive reports are kept of any complaint received.

If a patient is not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be referred to the following:

British Dental Health Foundations Word of Mouth advice line:
Telephone: 08703 331188

NHS England
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT

By email to: england.contactus@nhs.net
Please state: ‘For the attention of the complaints team’ in the subject line.

By telephone: 0300 311 22 33

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Address; Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP

Telephone; 0345 015 4033.

Private Treatment

To make a complaint about private dental services, contact the Dental Complaints Service.

Dental Complaints Service
Stephenson House, 2 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon CR0 6BA

Telephone: 08456 120 540

Please note that we are closed for lunch between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.