15 Cornwall Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1RU (view larger map »)               Tel: 01305 259417              dorchesterorthoclinic@dorchesterortho.co.uk
Dorchester Orthodontic Clinic

Quality specialist orthodontic care

Fixed Appliance Instructions

The First Few Days

For the first few days your braces may make your teeth feel sore. This can be relieved by taking a headache tablet if necessary. Remember to check the instructions on the packet and do not go over the stated dose. Ask your parents before taking any tablets. You may also find that the braces rub the inside of your mouth to begin with. The use of wax or gel will have been explained to help with this.

Brushing your teeth

This is very important especially while you are wearing braces. Make sure that all debris is carefully cleaned away from your teeth and braces at least twice a day. A small interdental brush, for example and TePe brush is very useful and will have been shown to you at your fitting appointment. Poor tooth brushing can result in staining of your teeth and even dental decay around your braces. Your tooth brushing will be checked at every visit.

Foods to avoid

Too many sweet things particularly between meals are bad for your teeth so cut down on these. Also avoid fizzy drinks, even diet ones. If you must drink them, only do so occasionally (once or twice a week) and use a straw. Hard or sticky foods can break your brace so avoid crusty bread, pizza crusts, toffees and other chewy sweets. Fruit and raw vegetables should be cut up and eaten on your back teeth. Breakages significantly increase your treatment time!

What to do if something hurts or breaks

Please phone us if something breaks or is sharp or sore. We will always try to arrange to see you within the next few days. We can often also give you advice over the telephone.

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Please note that we are closed for lunch between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.