15 Cornwall Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1RU (view larger map »)               Tel: 01305 259417              dorchesterorthoclinic@dorchesterortho.co.uk
Dorchester Orthodontic Clinic

Quality specialist orthodontic care

NHS Orthodontics

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with correcting irregularities in the teeth and jaws, and is usually performed on young teenagers.

Orthodontic treatment will not only improve the look of your teeth, it will also help you eat and speak more effectively, improve oral hygiene and enhance facial shape. It can solve a range of issues – from crooked or misaligned teeth to serious malocclusions (when teeth don’t fit together properly).

Orthodontic treatment is available free on the NHS for patients under 18 who meet the criteria set by the NHS regarding the severity of their dental problem. Before a young person can be added to the NHS waiting list they will need to have a consultation with one of our orthodontists. Patients need to be referred by their dentist and will then be sent an appointment to see us.

Though orthodontic treatment has become increasingly popular with adults who are dissatisfied with their misaligned teeth, NHS treatment is rarely available for those over 18 but it may be approved on a case-by case basis if there are sufficient health reasons.

What are NHS braces like?

NHS fixed braces are made from metal and consist of fixed brackets and wires which are guided through and held in place with elastic bands. At regular adjustment appointments the wire is altered as required and over time this wire gently moves teeth into the desired position.

Though visible, modern brackets are far more discreet than they once were. Children may also enjoy customising their brace with coloured elastics.

The fitting process

At your fitting appointment your teeth will be cleaned and dried, and the brackets attached with a strong adhesive. A thin wire is then attached to the brackets and held in place with elastics.

If you need any teeth extracted to make more space, this will be done prior to the fitting of your brace. Another pre-treatment process may involve inserting bands between teeth to create gaps ready for the brace fitting.

Will they hurt?

You may find that your teeth feel a little sore after your brace is first fitted and also following a regular tightening appointment but over-the-counter painkillers should help to relieve this discomfort. Occasionally, the metal components may rub slightly on the cheeks and lips, but app lying a little dental wax can help prevent this.

Please note that we are closed for lunch between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.